Sunday, December 15, 2013

DIY Mini-Emergency Kit

Here's a great little gift idea for all your girl (or guy) friends: a DIY Mini-Emergency Kit! I was inspired by this when I was waiting at the checkout line at Sephora. The original "Minimergency" can be found here. Most of the items in it I already had or could substitute for something similar. The original kit retails for $15, but if you have many of the items, you can make it for less. For the pouch, I used the small Victoria's Secret coin purse, which I found near the checkout area and where all the lip glosses are. It retails for $9, but there is a 4 for $20 deal, making them $5 each! You can also use any coin purse sized pouch. You can certainly add whatever you want to the kit and cater to what you think your friends will need. You can also make one targeted towards the boys! My Mini-Emergency Kit contains:

- A small and regular-sized bandage 
- Tampon
- Panty liner
- Small, medium, and large safety pins
- 2 bobby pins
- Hair elastic 
- Nail file
- Perfume sample
- Go-Smile Teeth Whitening ampoule
- Anti-septic wipe
- Cleansing wipe
- Stain remover
- Nail polish remover wipe 
- Lip balm 
- Hand sanitizer 

It all fits!

In all, I only had to purchase a few items: the hand sanitizer ($1 each at Bath and Body Works), the nail file ($2 for 3 at Bath and Body Works), and the stain remover from Shout ($1 for 4 wipes at Target). The next time I go to Target or Walmart I plan on picking up aspirin, antihistimine, and fashion tape to add and maybe the sewing kit if I can find it. Hope this was helpful for you! =)

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